
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Frugal & Fabulous Fabric Artwork

Wow - it's been more than 4 months since my last post. That may be my longest blogging hiatus yet. But I'm still here, dangit!  There's been a lot going on with work and life in general, so therefore just not much time for doing fun stuff worth blogging about.  *insert pity party here*

However, the other night I was bound and determined to get my DIY fix. Now, I don't want to talk this project up too much because it's not like it's anything groundbreaking--but I am pretty happy with how it turned out! And let's face it, "artwork" is a very generous description, but whatever.

I've had some oh-so-trendy chevron fabric sitting in my closet that I purchased quite some time ago just because, well, I just really liked it. I also had stashed away an 11x14 picture frame which I scored from a Michael's clearance sale for $3 or something crazy cheap like that. (In case you hadn't figured it out, I tend to buy things on sale even though I have no idea what I'm going to do with them.)

Recalling something I'd seen on Pinterest, I realized my bargain finds were the beginnings of a new project. All I needed was a little paint and a mat for my frame--just to make it look a little more "complete." I got a little can of Krylon Sun Yellow spray paint at Hobby Lobby, which was a pretty close match to the yellow in my fabric. 

After a few coats to cover the dark wood frame, I inserted the mat and cut out a square of fabric to put behind it. It really doesn't get much easier than this, people. I can't even justify showing step-by-step photos.

The framed fabric now resides happily on a wall ledge in our guest room. 

While it works great here, I also tried it out on the dresser as a backdrop for some blue glass vases (from Goodwill), and on the nightstand as a tray. At one point I considered adding handles on the sides of the frame, but I wanted to keep it versatile so it could be used as an upright display too.

(shown here with my DIY mercury glass vase)

(my ombre canvas artwork is on the adjacent wall)

The yellow adds the perfect pop of color in our primarily gray and white guest room. And overall, I think the whole thing probably cost about $10. Something tells me this won't be my last fabric "artwork" project!

Linking up to:
Made By You Monday
Mad Skills Link Party
Uncommon Designs Monday Funday Party
Do Tell Tuesday Link Party

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