
Sunday, February 17, 2013

DIY Pom Pom Bib Necklace

If the title of my post threw you off a bit, I understand. Usually when I have a DIY project in the works, it has something to do with furniture or other home decor. But this weekend, I expanded my craftiness into the world of wearables for the first time.

I don’t sew, so I can’t make clothing. But with this project, I found out that accessories are thankfully not out of the realm of possibility for me! Just give me a glue gun and let me go to town.

This necklace has been on my mind ever since I saw it on Pinterest several weeks ago (and repinned it, naturally). It is just so dang cute and definitely more of a “statement” piece than the simple jewelry I normally wear. I was just itching to give this one a shot!

The materials list was pretty simple: felt, 100% cotton fabric, a necklace chain, and hot glue. (This is the kind of project during which you will develop a deep and meaningful relationship with your glue gun and fabric scissors.) I ended up getting the felt and necklace chain at HobbyLobby, and the fabric (1/2 yard, which was more than enough) at Hancock Fabrics. Most of it was on sale, so the total cost was under $5.

The original post at Little Miss Momma has really great instructions and photos, so I pretty much followed it to a T. But, I figured I’d give a brief recap and share some of my own photos.
  1. Cut out five (or however many you want, but an odd number is best) felt circles. Mine were  probably a little more than 1” in diameter. They don’t have to be perfect (another reason I love this project).
  2. Cut out lots (and lots) of fabric circles, using one of your felt circles as a template. Again, they don't have to be perfect. A little jagged is okay! (I cut out squares first, so I could stack them into layers and cut several at one time.)
  3. Bunch up one of your fabric circles as shown below, and dab some hot glue on the point. Press it onto the center of a felt circle. Repeat until the felt circle is covered in scrunched fabric circles. (I kept losing track, but I think I may have used anywhere from 12-15 fabric circles.)
  4. Repeat Step 3 to create “pom poms” with the remaining felt and fabric circles.
  5. Place your pom poms on the larger piece of felt in the desired arrangement. Hot glue only the middle three onto the felt.
  6. Hot glue each end of your chain onto the back of the remaining two pom poms. Then, hot glue these to the felt.
  7. Cut around each pom pom, "releasing" the necklace from the felt. Voila!

I chose gray felt to match the fabric, even though once you're done
you can't see the felt unless you look at the back side.

(Will someone please get this girl a manicure and some hand lotion??)

 I adore it.

(No makeup = no photos above the neck)

I chose this light gray color because I thought it would go with most of my shirts, but I could see myself making one (or two) more of these in different colors. There's just so much potential! However, considering this project took me almost two hours, I’m going to take a break and just admire this one in the meantime.

So, what do you think? Have you ever made any accessories of your own before? 


  1. This is really cute!! I would love if you would share this over at our blog hop

  2. I have been loving that Little Miss Momma necklace too! Yours turned out super cute...I love that you made it light gray to go with more things!!!

  3. Turned out so beautiful! I found your project at Uncommon Design's party. Megan

  4. looks great! thanks for linking up! :) I just love these necklaces :) xoxo, ashley

  5. This is super cute and great tutorial! I love frabric necklaces!
    I would love if you link this to my link party Monday morning!

  6. How beautiful! Love it!Love the colors of flowers! Thanks so much for sharing the great tutorial! Would love to have you visit me sometime.
    Have a fabulous day!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  7. Love this! Thank you for the idea. I'm going to make this. I already have the supplies. Back in September I was going to make fabric flowers, but soon realized I was not very good at it. I think I can handle this.

  8. Ooh. I LOVE this! I've been seeing these necklaces all over the place. Now I know how to make my own. Thanks for sharing.

  9. This is a great idea and it looks so easy! Can't wait to try it.

  10. It turned out great! I love it!
    Found you via link party!

  11. Featuring you tomorrow on my blog and Facebook!
    Thanks for linking. Come back on Mondays!


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