
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Update & Teaser... Yes, I'm still here!

Helloooo.... anyone still out there? Probably not.

But just in case anyone is still reading this, I apologize for my absence lately. It's been a busy summer and I just haven't had much time for fun projects or blogging.

That's not to say we haven't been getting anything done around the house, though. Things are still progressing along, slowly but surely, in the basement finishing. We just had some plumbing work done, and have only two short walls to finish up for the framework. Then, we'll work on the electrical. Eventually I'll post some pictures of the progress.

I also have another DIY decor project up my sleeve, which I'll be able to get started on as soon as I receive a package in the mail... I'm sure you're dying to know what it is, but you'll just have to wait a little longer!

For now, I'll leave you with a recent picture of our dogs -- apparently bored out of their skulls -- lying on the basement floor while we were building some framework.

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