Here at Little House on the Corner, we share our space with our three furry family members: Phoebe, Dudley and Roxy. We've had Phoebe for several years now (we actually acquired her from my sister), and Dudley joined us in the summer of 2010 (we adopted him from the humane society). Roxy is our newest addition as of May 2011, also adopted from the humane society.
Roxy, a boxer, is an inquisitive and eager-to-please sweetheart who loves being around people. Being petted and snuggled makes her happy. She's very mild-mannered, but can also be pretty hyper when she and Dudley are playing (she's also quick, usually out-running him in figure 8's around the yard). We think we're pretty lucky to have found such a great dog.

Dudley is a very happy and energetic pup. Our best guess is that he is some sort of border collie/lab/boxer/pit super-mix (aka Heinz 57). He loves his Nylabone(s), his Kong(s), and especially his tug-of-war rope. He can often be found wherever we are -- he always has to know what's going on. Sure, sometimes he digs holes in the backyard, or chases Phoebe, or barks at us incessantly when he wants attention. But then he can also be very calm, sweet, mellow, and obedient, which makes it easy to forget his bouts of naughty behavior. And of course, he's just plain adorable.
As for Phoebe, well, she pretty much just does her own thing, not unlike most other cats. She has a lot of attitude, a few quirks, and the occasional spastic behavior, but we love her nonetheless. She also has a eerie way of knowing when we've pulled out the blanket to cover up on the couch, because she'll appear out of nowhere to jump up and cuddle with us. Phoebe is none too crazy about the dogs, but she has learned to tolerate them. Read more about the world from Phoebe's Perspective.
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